1:1 sessions

One session
from $88

Discover the taste of the healing power through sound

In a single session, witness firsthand how sound vibrations can uplift your spirit, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. It's a brief but transformative glimpse into the therapeutic magic of sound, leaving you with a taste of its remarkable healing capabilities.

Multiple sessions

2 sessions per week.

Unlock the power of sound healing through multiple sessions

  • Building Resonance: Each session enriches your healing experience, creating a unique harmony.

  • Embrace the Learning Curve: Multiple sessions make you an expert in relaxation and self-discovery.

  • Dive Deeper: They help address deep-seated issues and emotional blockages.

  • Sustain Inner Harmony: Regular sessions maintain emotional, mental, and spiritual balance.

  • Unearth New Horizons: Each session is a chance to discover unique aspects of yourself, like chapters in a captivating novel of personal growth.


the power of sound